Building Envelope

Passive House Sierra Grande School

Campus Design

Future-Proofing Educational Facilities: The Passive House Design Solution

High-performing, energy-efficient school facilities can serve a foundational role in uplifting students, staff and the greater community over the long term. The good news is that the solution for some facilities—depending on size, location and available resources—might be born out of the strategic implementation of a concept originating nearly 50 years ago: Passive House.

timber building

Residence Halls

Constructing Community

The largest mass timber building in America, Adohi Hall at the University of Arkansas, exemplifies a new generation of wood-framed and light-filled residence halls designed to foster connections.

building envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

From the Outside In

Building envelope systems not only work to keep the inside in and the outside out, but can also contribute to a facility’s or institution’s sustainability goals while presenting an attractive, functional front.

building exteriors

Facilities (Building Envelope)

3 Critical Elements of a Building Exterior


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Before the Snow Falls

Autumn is the ideal time to prepare structures for winter from roof to foundation. Undertaking routine inspections in the fall can prevent costly repairs in the future.

structural integrity

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Preserving Structural Integrity

It is important to include a structural perspective of your facilities when considering the impact of deferred maintenance.

building envelope

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Building Envelope

Envelopes have long since evolved from a means to just keep outside out and inside in. Systems are advancing with, among other things, sophisticated air and vapor barriers, airtight interiors, increasingly efficient windows, and exceedingly insulated roofs.

Building Envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

At First Sight

Diverse, innovative materials are available for the building envelope, adding impactful visual interest as well as energy efficiency to campus facilities.

Open But Secure


Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Panel Facade System Enhances Design

Hot Tips (Building Products)

Glazed Brick

Steel School Construction

Sustainable Schools

Steel Brings Transparency to Construction Sustainability

EDPs provide designers and construction professionals with valuable information.

building envelope: parking structure

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Who Owns Your Building Envelope?

Communication is key to answering this question, especially when multiple contractors and systems are involved.

daylighting in classroom

Energy Savings: Insights and Innovation

As U.S. schools continue to face increasing budget pressures, implementing strategies for energy savings can have a significant positive impact on the bottom line for school districts.

Koliganek Huskies school

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Managing Moisture

Building schools in Alaska has is own set of challenges.

Hot Tips (Sustainable Facilities)

How to Select a Green Door

School exteriors

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Changing Landscape

School exteriors are no longer an afterthought, but important in many ways.

Hot Tips (Green Doors)

Thermal Efficiency of the Building Envelope Is Critical

building envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Sealing the Envelope

Whether renovating existing or constructing new facilities, attention must be paid to achieving the end result of a resilient, secure, energy-efficient building envelope.

Building Envelope

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Building Envelopes

It's all about energy usage.

Transparency in buildings

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Sense of Place

Making schools more transparent builds a communal environment.

There Can Be No Doubt

Facilities and the conditions of the learning environment have an effect on students and staff.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More