Building Envelope

Next Generation Learning Interiors

Education Interiors

The Needs They Are A-Changin'

"Next-Generation Learning" is having a significant affect on interior design.

Trends in Green

Integrating Sustainability and Education

How greener classrooms can spark next generation learning.

Recruit & Retain (Eastern Kentucky University)

Do Buildings Matter?

EKU has seen enrollment growth since opening their New Science Building.

Sustainable Concrete

Solid and Sustainable

Concrete can be a key element in a strong, sustainable and attractive building envelope.

Building Envelope

Want to Improve Student Performance? Start with the Air They Breathe

Facilities (Managing Assets)

Thinking Outside the Box

What if we could design and build lower-maintenance facilities?

California Building Codes

California Coding

A slew of new California building codes came on line this summer. What does this mean for the Golden State and the rest of the country?

Building Envelope

The Building Envelope: A Guide To Determining Problems

When you know what's wrong with a building envelope, you can make repairs and once again have a facility that is watertight, safe and energy efficient.

campus building upgrades

In the Know (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

Old Building, New Life

From BIM to energy-use monitoring, WiFi and more, existing buildings are being redesigned and outfitted to become technological standouts.

Sustainable School Building

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Working From the Outside In

Creating a sustainable building envelope can be complicated, but worth it. Think about today and tomorrow. Educational institutions need to plan for sustainable management of their built assets both now and in the future. Building envelopes are part of that effort.

Preserving Architectual Features

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Maintaining a Façade

Keeping historically significant facilities weatherproof and energy-efficient while preserving architectural features takes care and planning.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More