
cyber security: server

Battling Cyber Criminals

Cyber vandals and criminals pose dangers to colleges and universities.

building envelope: parking structure

Who Owns Your Building Envelope?

Communication is key to answering this question, especially when multiple contractors and systems are involved.

children digging in garden

Schoolyards that Both Students and Communities Enjoy

The Space to Grow program is transforming Chicago Public School's schoolyards into vibrant outdoor spaces that encourage physical activity, outdoor learning and community engagement, while also addressing such environmental concerns as stormwater management and water conservation.


Battling Cyber Delinquents

Cyber vandals and criminals make it more difficult to use online tools in school.

outdoor learning spaces

Outdoor School

Take a tour of diverse outdoor learning spaces.

vacuuming the staircase

Caring for the Cleaning Machine

Vacuum cleaners and floor machines are an investment. Proper care and maintenance of these tools is vital and will extend their lifespans and provide good return on the investment made in them.

Security drone

Security Technology Wish List

Campus security professionals talk about what high tech gear they use, what new tools they covet and what they would never give up.

Koliganek Huskies school

Managing Moisture

Building schools in Alaska has is own set of challenges.

Raining on roof

Waterproofing Keys

The building envelope has one primary job: keeping bad weather outside. There is a wide range of options available for waterproofing all aspects of the building envelope, from roofs to basements. Here are some of them.

child washing hands

Five Ways to Kickstart Your School's Cleanliness

Routine cleaning measures can significantly reduce overall facility costs.

school security camera monted on wall

School Security Technology Has Learned a Lot

From cameras to personal emergency communications devices, today's school security technology is better than ever.

college restroom design

The Necessary Room

From basic to luxury, sparkling to yucky, advanced to old school, college restrooms run the gamut. What's new and trending in restroom design?

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