Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Decisions need to be made that are based on more than looks.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
Here's a look at the pros and cons of integrated security systems.
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
New pumps bring university residence halls into the next decade.
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
Like most things, sustainable landscaping has evolved so that it's much more than planting perennials and reducing watering.
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
Your HVAC systems need chemically balanced water to maintain a healthy environment. Does your school have the right mix?
Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)
Strategic design solutions for multi-use spaces.
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
Leaders in the field point to key elements in a formula for school energy savings.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
When an emergency arises, a well-managed mass notification system can help keep people safe.
- By Michael Fickes
- 05/01/15
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
In an emergency, a well-managed mass notification system can help keep students and faculty safe.
- By Michael Fickes
- 05/01/15
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
A cleaning contractor comes clean about locker room odors, and explains how to control them.
- By Robert Kravitz
- 05/01/15
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
- By Joshua Reiss, Steve Waldmann
- 05/01/15
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Raise your hand if you can't hear me.
- By Michael Fickes
- 05/01/15
Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)
Understanding technology, controls and systems integration
- By Andrew LaRowe, Mike Raible
- 05/01/15
Maintaining Buildings & Grounds
Budgeting for cold weather care and maintenance that involves planning ahead for key seasonal product and service purchases can lead to steep discounts and reduced operating costs.
Technology (Innovations for Education)
When integrating classroom technologies and controls, what's the best option? Ensuring you have on-campus staff to handle the task, or calling on outside consultants? Advice from the experts explores the pros and cons of each approach.
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
Acoustics impact student learning. Plans for physical spaces — walls, ceilings, flooring and more — made with good acoustics in mind at design and construction phases will result in high-performance, effective facilities.
- By David Ingersoll
- 05/01/15
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
Developing and implementing a strategic plan for fire safety on campus will contribute to improved operations across the spectrum and will educate staff, faculty and students about their roles in the process.
Business (Managing Higher Ed)
Driving alone? That's so passé. Today's colleges and universities think differently about transportation and parking. Is your school ahead of the curve?
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
What we've learned about protecting people and school buildings from fire.
- By Michael Fickes
- 04/01/15
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
Colleges and universities that don't have historic identities to direct interior design choices can still develop and furnish modern, desirable interior spaces where students want to study, be and stay.
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
Selecting the right materials in order to deliver a safe, efficient and technology-laden facility that can adapt to changing research directions can be a daunting task.
- By Jim Cartwright, David Miller, Steve Frei
- 04/01/15