
green flooring material

Friendly Flooring

When selecting flooring materials and designs for new or renovation projects, don't forget to factor in ADA compliance in order to assurance safety and accessibility for all.

School Flooring

Higher Marks for School Floors

Trends in cost-effective and sustainable flooring.

Flooring Installation

"How to prevent moisture-related flooring issues."


What's Underfoot Matters

Floors can be a standout part of a school's interior and enhance the educational experience.

Life Cycle Costs

Figuring Life Cycle Costs

Buying furniture and equipment for K-12 school districts requires an analyst's mind.


Focus On the Floor

Flooring choices can reflect your institution's identity, mission, commitment to sustainability and more.

flooring options

What's Trending in #Floors?

A variety of flooring options, from concrete to carpet to cork, are being successfully integrated into today's campus facilities.


Choosing Your Floor

Decisions need to be made that are based on more than looks.

Trends in Higher Education Interiors

Trends in Higher Education Interiors

An increasing number of options in materials, furnishings and finishes is leading to vibrant, inviting design.

Next Generation Learning Interiors

The Needs They Are A-Changin'

"Next-Generation Learning" is having a significant affect on interior design.

Designing for Research

Designing for Research

Selecting the right materials in order to deliver a safe, efficient and technology-laden facility that can adapt to changing research directions can be a daunting task.

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