October 2018 College Planning & Management

College Planning & Management October 2018


parking payment station

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

The Value of Parking Audits

By Will Rhodin, David Lieb

In today's technology age, parking audits are more important than ever.

classroom design

Everything I Learned About Learning in Kindergarten

By Rebecca Berry

What higher education can learn from kindergarten classroom design.

clean campus

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Getting Clean

By Michael Fickes

Are the buildings on your campus clean enough? We asked the professionals how clean buildings should be—and how to get them that clean.

internet of things

Technology (Innovations for Education)

Intelligent Facilities

By Brandon Barrett

The Internet of Things can make the job of facilities managers easier, but getting buy-in may take some time and education.


STEM Equality

By Stephen Ceasar

Innovative programs and a concerted effort by many colleges and universities are increasing enrollment of women in STEM programs and helping them to navigate careers in traditionally male-dominated jobs.


campus farm

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

Campus Farm Coming to Bucknell

By Matt Hughes

Bucknell University will grow vegetables for learning, wellness, and engagement.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Who's Next?

By Shannon O'Connor

Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

Let's Talk Dirt

By Pieter van der Have

It is important to determine what is in the ground underneath your buildings.

Emerging Technology (Enhancing, Engaging, Connecting)

Smart Cards Get Smarter

By David W. Dodd

Card technology is evolving. Are you staying current?


Northwest State Community College

Facility Focus (Workforce Development/Vocational Education)

Northwest State Community College: Advanced Manufacturing Training Center

Kansas State University

Facility Focus (Workforce Development/Vocational Education)

Kansas State University: Foundation Business & Research Park

University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton

Facility Focus (Workforce Development/Vocational Education)

University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton: Workforce Training Center


Penn State

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Penn State Meets Sustainability Goals

Nora flooring

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

New Floor Helps Keep Libraries Quiet

cordless backpack vacuum

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Healthy Green Cleaning at IUPUI


Ask the Expert (Classroom Furniture)

What is 'active learning?'

By Lisa Schmidt

APPA'S Five Levels of Cleanliness

Women in the STEM Workforce

Hot Tips (Wall Protection)

Things to Know About Wall Protection

By Renee Hite

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More