

Elevating Acoustic Design for Optimal Learning Environments

Poor acoustics within classrooms create challenging environments for children, who possess heightened sensitivity compared to adults or older peers. These conditions, characterized by noise and reverberation, significantly impact their ability to engage in tasks that require listening comprehension, as well as non-auditory functions like short-term memory, reading, and writing.

Schools In Focus: Talking Campus Security with Mitch McKinley


Schools In Focus: PCM and Energy Savings in Schools

This episode’s guest is Michael Dunn, Technical Sales Manager for Energy Saving Ceilings & PCM at Armstrong World Industries. He’s here to talk about how Phase Change Material (PCM) can help provide energy savings in schools.

Innovative Approaches to HVAC

Things are Looking Up for Energy Savings, Noise Reduction, and Better Student Performance

Schools nationwide—especially those in historically cool climates now undergoing elevated heat events—face a challenging cycle when it comes to adapting to climate-change-driven temperature extremes during the school year. Often if heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems even exist, they are nearing end of life and operating less efficiently. Facing limited budgets, schools often opt for repairs over equipment replacement even though repairs can be costly and newer systems are designed for more efficient, sustainable operation offering long-term energy and cost savings.

Schools In Focus: Talking Campus Security with Mitch McKinley


Schools In Focus: New Acoustical Solutions — From the Top Down

Acoustics isn't only about creating quite classrooms. It's a critical part of the overall IEQ of a school—from classrooms to nurses' offices to administration spaces. New and better technologies exist to give schools solutions that achieve what is needed in today's world while keeping budget parameters in mind. These acoustical solutions start at the top with ceilings, and not all ceilings are alike. Join us as Sean Browne, Senior Manager of Research & Development for Armstrong World Industries, walks us through choosing the right ceiling to optimize acoustics for better learning experiences.

Campus Amenities

Toronto Junior Middle School Installs New Acoustic Panels

Islington Junior Middle School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, which serves students in grades PreK–8, recently announced that it has installed new acoustic ceiling and wall tiles in four of its classrooms.

Armstrong Tectum Create Direct Attach Panels

Campus Amenities

Armstrong Introduces Direct-Attach Ceiling, Wall Panels

Armstrong Ceiling & Wall Solutions recently introduced its Tectum Create! Direct-Attach line of ceiling and wall panels. The textured panels come in a variety of standard and custom designs to add flair and aesthetics to any space.

Techport at the Airport

Campus Facilities

Unique Ceiling Hatches Creativity at University Incubator

The University of Maryland is a strategic partner of the Techport @ The Airport, a business incubator designed to encourage transfer of technologies developed by the military into the commercial sector. The Incubator provides opportunities for students to gain real world experience and supports programs of the University’s Division of Research and James Clark School of Engineering.

A Rational Approach to Ceiling Product Evaluation

Campus Facilities

A Rational Approach to Ceiling Product Evaluation

Despite widespread perception that architects and designers are fearless innovators, many, in the author’s opinion, are quite resistant to change. When a product works reasonably well, building professionals tend to stick with it until strong evidence justifies a change.

Mount Holyoke College Student Dining Commons

Campus Facilities

An Intimate Feeling Includes the Ceiling

A student cafeteria doesn’t have to feel like a student cafeteria. The new Student Dining Commons at Mount Holyoke College – a 1,000-seat, state of the art, anytime dining center created by Boston design firm Bergmeyer – is intended to offer an inviting, personal experience that evokes some of the school’s long tradition of intimate dining rooms. An important element of that effect is an unusual ceiling.

school hallway


It's All In The Details: Walls, Ceilings and Floors

Office spaces at Scott Hall.


Retrofitting University Buildings for Sound Masking

When a physical space offers a little passive noise control, such as high cubicle walls, private offices or softer, sound-absorbing materials, the effects on the well-being of each person — as well as their productivity — can be profoundly impacted.

Walker Grant Center. OddBox Studios; courtesy of Rockfon


How the Right Acoustic Ceiling Can Improve a School's Performance

If there is not enough sound absorption in spaces for learning, they are overly loud, reverberant and stressful; not an environment conducive for effective education. Up to one of every four words cannot be understood by students in many classrooms, according to guidelines by the Acoustical Society of America.

Carrie Busey Elementary School library carpet tile. Credit: Scott Berman

Components & Materials

It’s All in the Details: Walls, Ceilings and Floors

Walls, ceilings and floors, along with all interior and other building elements, must meet budgetary, acoustic, resilience, sustainability and maintenance requirements, with builders weighing such factors and others. Here are some ways that schools are making their interiors stand out.

adaptive reuse

Adaptive Reuse for Education

Thinking Outside The Box: Adaptive Reuse For Education

There are countless opportunities to create new and innovative learning environments within existing buildings.

noisy classroom

Facilities (Walls, Ceilings & Floors)

The Noisy Classroom


Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Undulating Ceiling Helps Quiet Noisy Cafeteria

Armstrong Tectum Direct-Attach acoustical panels

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Direct-Attach Ceiling Panels Improve Acoustics

Miami University

Impact on Learning

Miami University

map across classroom ceiling

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Ceiling Designed for Learning

Ceiling Provides Aesthetics and Acoustics

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Ceiling Provides Aesthetics and Acoustics

Hot Tips: Acoustics

Controlling Noise In Classrooms

Hot Tips: Acoustics

Controlling Noise in Classrooms

University of Western Ontario

Impact on Learning

University of Western Ontario

Metal Ceiling

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Metal Ceiling Makes Waves at Student Center

band and choral room acoustics design

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Walls and Ceilings

A planning primer for band and choral room acoustics design.

Ceiling Panels Absorb and Block Noise

Case History (Real-World Solutions)

Ceiling Panels Absorb and Block Noise

Upgraded Ceiling

Case History (Real-World Solutions)

Ugly Ceiling Gets a Facelift

Adelphi University Acoustic Panels

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Acoustic Panels Reduce Noise and Boost Productivity

Trends in Higher Education Interiors

Trends in Higher Education Interiors

An increasing number of options in materials, furnishings and finishes is leading to vibrant, inviting design.

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More